1998 前身であるアールデザインとして、企画・調査・プロダクトデザイン事業を開始
2002 三菱重工業株式会社からの企画・プロダクトデザイン業務受託開始
2003 名古屋市にて法人化
2003 株式会社リョーインとの企画・プロダクトデザイン業務受託契約
2005 ベビー用品会社との提携業務開始
2006 新ブランド"farska"の立ち上げ
2006 海外の複数の企業と提携事業開始
2010 "babubu"プロジェクト立ち上げ(多国籍企業参加型商品化PJ)
2010 社員を海外提携先に派遣し現地での開発・管理を開始
2010 豊橋市に移転 ※事務処理機能のみを残し、デザイナーを各提携先企業に派遣
2011 イギリス領にbabubu limitedを設立
2011 「HONG KONG BABY PRODUCT FAIR 2011(香港)」に参加=旧モデル
2012 「HONG KONG BABY PRODUCT FAIR 2012(香港)」に参加=プロトタイプ
2012 第一弾商品の国際パテント取得
2012 試験販売サイト「楽天市場店」を開始
2013 「CBME SHANGHAI 2013(中国上海)」に参加
2014 中国にbabubu trade shanghai limited(巴步步贸易上海有限公司)を設立
2014 「Kind + Jugend Cologne 2014(ドイツ)」に参加
2014 フランスの商社と提携(欧州全域の総代理契約)
2014 日本販売代理店との提携 ※自社試験販売サイトの廃止
2015 「Cool Paris Expo 2015(フランス)」に参加
2016 「HONG KONG BABY PRODUCT FAIR 2016 (香港)」に参加
2016 中国の商社にOEM商品の提供開始
2016 タイの商社と代理店契約
2016 香港/マカオの商社と代理店契約
2016 法人名を有限会社babubuに変更
2017 「CBME SHANGHAI 2017(中国上海)」の日本ブースにて出展
2018 日本販売代理店との新規提携
2018 工具レス&小パッケージ&床板角度調整機能ベビーベッドを開発、国際パテント取得
2019 大人用のベッドを利用した添い寝&プレイペンを実現するベッドフェンスを開発、国際パテント取得
2019 市場要望に応え、廉価版のベッドフェンスを開発
2020 日本販売代理店との新規提携
2021 数個の新商品を研究開発中
2002 Contract with Mitsubishi heavy industry co.,ltd

2003 Establish Seeds planning ltd. in Nagoya,Japan
2003 Contract with Ryoin co.,ltd(Mitsubishi group)
2005 Contract with Japanese baby product trading company *Our main designer dispatch to management
2005 Establish a new brand(farska) concept as Something new & Simple design

*Folding mat and High chair were base on partner designer's basic idea.

2006 Contract with 3 factories to start production outsource in China
2010 Started "babubu" project

2010 The company move to Toyohashi Japan, and move the major activity bases to overseas
2011 Participate in the "Hong Kong Baby Product Fair 2011" with old products as farska specs
2011 Established babubu limited in British Overseas Territories for third‐country trade
2012 Participate in the "Hong Kong Baby Product Fair 2012" with old products and proto type products
2012 Participate in the "Internal Sneak preview" in Tokyo with proto type2
2012 Developed Safety Grow up siries with Japanese standard and applied the global patents.
<2nd generation>

2012 Contract with Japanese distributer to start the test selling in Japan

2013 Designed the proto type of FLEXIBAR, BOUND COT, STRECH CHAIR and applied global patents.
2013 Participate in the "CMBE Shanghai 2013"

2014 Contract with French dtributor "BBcobio" to expand the our market

2014 Developed EN standard products and applied the global patents.
<3nd generation>

2014 Established babubu trade shanghai ltd in China
2014 Contract with new distributor in Japan
2014 Exhibit our products in "Kids&Baby show 2014" in Japan

2014 Exhibit our products in the "Kind + Jugend 2014 in Germany" by French distributor
2015 Exhibit our products in the "Cool Paris Expo 2015" by French distributor
2016 Participate in the "Hong Kong Baby Product Fair 2016"
2016 Contract with distributor in China to provide the trial marketing model(Babybed with deskbaord)

2016 Contract with agent distributor of Thailand
2016 Contract with agent distributor of Hong Kong&Macau
2016 Change the company name to "BABUBU LIMITED"
2017 Participate in the "CBME Shanghai 2017" in Japanese pavilion
2018 Contracted with new agent distributor in Japan
2018 Developed the crib with some new functions and applied the global patents

2019 Developed the safety co-sleep bed fence and applied the global patents

2019 Developed the minimum specification version "BED FENCE Lite" in response to market demands

2020 Contracted with agent distributor in Tiwan
2021 Under development some new products!
代表者略歴 Profile of Representative director

Background and Experience
(1) Tama Art University, Architectural course

(2) Mitsubishi motor corporation's product design company : Product designer

(3) Establish own company : Research planning & design for Mitusbishi heavy industry's products

(4) Collaboration development project of
"Company"(Toyota,Brother,NEC,Xerox,KDDI etc.)-"Government"(Japan)-"Academia"(MIT and some Japanese college)
of communication robot : Project manager
(5) Yamaha motor co.,ltd : Product planning for grobal strategy

2002 三菱重工業株式会社からの企画・プロダクトデザイン業務受託開始
2003 名古屋市にて法人化
2003 株式会社リョーインとの企画・プロダクトデザイン業務受託契約
2005 ベビー用品会社との提携業務開始
2006 新ブランド"farska"の立ち上げ
2006 海外の複数の企業と提携事業開始
2010 "babubu"プロジェクト立ち上げ(多国籍企業参加型商品化PJ)
2010 社員を海外提携先に派遣し現地での開発・管理を開始
2010 豊橋市に移転 ※事務処理機能のみを残し、デザイナーを各提携先企業に派遣
2011 イギリス領にbabubu limitedを設立
2011 「HONG KONG BABY PRODUCT FAIR 2011(香港)」に参加=旧モデル
2012 「HONG KONG BABY PRODUCT FAIR 2012(香港)」に参加=プロトタイプ
2012 第一弾商品の国際パテント取得
2012 試験販売サイト「楽天市場店」を開始
2013 「CBME SHANGHAI 2013(中国上海)」に参加
2014 中国にbabubu trade shanghai limited(巴步步贸易上海有限公司)を設立
2014 「Kind + Jugend Cologne 2014(ドイツ)」に参加
2014 フランスの商社と提携(欧州全域の総代理契約)
2014 日本販売代理店との提携 ※自社試験販売サイトの廃止
2015 「Cool Paris Expo 2015(フランス)」に参加
2016 「HONG KONG BABY PRODUCT FAIR 2016 (香港)」に参加
2016 中国の商社にOEM商品の提供開始
2016 タイの商社と代理店契約
2016 香港/マカオの商社と代理店契約
2016 法人名を有限会社babubuに変更
2017 「CBME SHANGHAI 2017(中国上海)」の日本ブースにて出展
2018 日本販売代理店との新規提携
2018 工具レス&小パッケージ&床板角度調整機能ベビーベッドを開発、国際パテント取得
2019 大人用のベッドを利用した添い寝&プレイペンを実現するベッドフェンスを開発、国際パテント取得
2019 市場要望に応え、廉価版のベッドフェンスを開発
2020 日本販売代理店との新規提携
2021 数個の新商品を研究開発中
[ English ]
1998 Started product design by SOHO(R-design)2002 Contract with Mitsubishi heavy industry co.,ltd

2003 Establish Seeds planning ltd. in Nagoya,Japan
2003 Contract with Ryoin co.,ltd(Mitsubishi group)
2005 Contract with Japanese baby product trading company *Our main designer dispatch to management
2005 Establish a new brand(farska) concept as Something new & Simple design

*Folding mat and High chair were base on partner designer's basic idea.

2006 Contract with 3 factories to start production outsource in China
2010 Started "babubu" project

2010 The company move to Toyohashi Japan, and move the major activity bases to overseas
2011 Participate in the "Hong Kong Baby Product Fair 2011" with old products as farska specs
2011 Established babubu limited in British Overseas Territories for third‐country trade
2012 Participate in the "Hong Kong Baby Product Fair 2012" with old products and proto type products
2012 Participate in the "Internal Sneak preview" in Tokyo with proto type2
2012 Developed Safety Grow up siries with Japanese standard and applied the global patents.
<2nd generation>

2012 Contract with Japanese distributer to start the test selling in Japan

2013 Designed the proto type of FLEXIBAR, BOUND COT, STRECH CHAIR and applied global patents.

2013 Participate in the "CMBE Shanghai 2013"

2014 Contract with French dtributor "BBcobio" to expand the our market

2014 Developed EN standard products and applied the global patents.
<3nd generation>

2014 Established babubu trade shanghai ltd in China
2014 Contract with new distributor in Japan
2014 Exhibit our products in "Kids&Baby show 2014" in Japan

2014 Exhibit our products in the "Kind + Jugend 2014 in Germany" by French distributor
2015 Exhibit our products in the "Cool Paris Expo 2015" by French distributor
2016 Participate in the "Hong Kong Baby Product Fair 2016"
2016 Contract with distributor in China to provide the trial marketing model(Babybed with deskbaord)

2016 Contract with agent distributor of Thailand
2016 Contract with agent distributor of Hong Kong&Macau
2016 Change the company name to "BABUBU LIMITED"
2017 Participate in the "CBME Shanghai 2017" in Japanese pavilion
2018 Contracted with new agent distributor in Japan
2018 Developed the crib with some new functions and applied the global patents

2019 Developed the safety co-sleep bed fence and applied the global patents

2019 Developed the minimum specification version "BED FENCE Lite" in response to market demands

2020 Contracted with agent distributor in Tiwan
2021 Under development some new products!
代表者略歴 Profile of Representative director

Background and Experience
(1) Tama Art University, Architectural course

(2) Mitsubishi motor corporation's product design company : Product designer

(3) Establish own company : Research planning & design for Mitusbishi heavy industry's products

(4) Collaboration development project of
"Company"(Toyota,Brother,NEC,Xerox,KDDI etc.)-"Government"(Japan)-"Academia"(MIT and some Japanese college)
of communication robot : Project manager
(5) Yamaha motor co.,ltd : Product planning for grobal strategy